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Who is the Best Candidate for a Facelift?

Many people consider a facelift at some point during their lives. You may wonder whether a facelift is the right procedure or if there is something less invasive that could work. The Best Candidates for a Facelift If you’re interested in undergoing a facelift or neck...

Should I Get A Revision Facelift?

Patients come to our practice asking about revision facelifts in two scenarios. The first is most common. You had a facelift 10 to 15 years ago, and now you’ve noticed that you just don’t look as good as you used to. You want that youthful appearance back. It is...

Do I Need a Facelift?

Are you considering a facelift or neck lift? If so, you might be wondering if you’re at the right age to have one. Or maybe you want to know more about the experience, the cost, and the recovery period. Perhaps you’re curious about how long facelifts last and what...

When To Think About a Facelift

Facelifts are a common procedure throughout the United States, but how young is too young to have one done? What are the qualifications for getting a neck lift or even a mini lift? To answer these questions, we have to first dissect the reasons why people have them...