Personalized Medicine in 2018
- by DLM Admin
- April 10, 2018
- Blog

The world of personalized medicine and skin care is at its height. A new product called “Me Serum” uses your very own platelet-rich plasma to create a truly personalized moisturizer for your skin. The benefits? Well, that’s exactly what we want to reveal today, but first, let’s dive into what it is and how it works.
How Me Serum Works
Me Serum is made by withdrawing your own blood to get the high-quality platelet-rich plasma you have swimming through your veins. Your platelet plasma is then spun into a proprietary base to create a personalized moisturizer just for you.
Now, this isn’t just some weird theorized product. It is used and sworn by, by big celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Gwyneth Paltrow. By using your very own plasma you can enjoy the regenerative effects that naturally keep us alive and healthy. And it isn’t as weird as it sounds. By extracting the most beneficial components of your blood, you can experience personalized medicine and skincare on an entirely new level!
Benefits of Me Serum
So why should you have your very own “blood” moisturizer made just for you? Because you want to look younger, healthier, and more beautiful, of course!
This innovation fights acne breakouts, oily skin, and blackheads. And many tout the benefits even if they fall victim to a breakout. The platelets help your skin bounce back more quickly, and have even helped patients with psoriasis. However, one of the most prominent results is softer, more supple skin. And who doesn’t want that? It’s truly personalized, natural skin care that you cannot discount.
If you’re ready to dive into personalized medicine in 2018, then give us a call and we’ll make your very own jar of Me Serum to restore and regenerate your skin.
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